While the two are not entirely similar, there’s going to be a lot of terms that I use that you may want to familiarize yourself with. If you are starting out in GarageBand on your iPhone, I would recommend beginning by checking out this guide I have written concerning how to make a beat with GarageBand for macOS. Let’s explore! Getting Started with GarageBand on iPhone: Make the Beat Of course, you can also share your music with the world when you are finished. With that in mind, I’m going to briefly cover some of the instruments available, as well as how to get started in building your own track or beat in this program.
While it may seem like there is way too much going on in this app, creating the very basics of a song is still pretty easy.
GarageBand is Apple’s in-house Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), and it offers quite a bit, even in the mobile version. However, getting started isn’t that difficult, you mainly need to know where everything is. Even though we’re only going through the basics, there’s still plenty you need to know. This is merely giving you the basic premise of making a beat or track in GarageBand. Honestly, each instrument in GarageBand could easily get their own article. Keep in mind this is by no means an in-depth look, rather just a general overview. For those looking to make a beat in GarageBand for iPhone or iPad, I’m going to show you the very basics.